What does the Second Generation of Search Engine Entail?

3 min readDec 6, 2021


Image Copyright of Apric

“Does breathing burn calories?”, my 13-year-old niece types into a search engine while munching on a bag of lays. I was amused and intrigued at the same time, to say the least. Well, Modern problems require innovative solutions and we do feel that search engines lower our curiosity to an extent but do they offer exactitude? That’s a whole another debate in itself. One thing we often discuss during lunch at Apric is the realm of possibilities for Search Engines. How have they changed in the last decade? Are we still in the first generation of Search Engines? Are we Progressing towards the Second Generation? If yes, what does it entail?

We sure have come a long way from where we started. I remember how different search engines used to be back in the day. Nowadays, we are brimming with limitless opportunities and infinite choices on the kind of content we want to consume. We know what you are thinking, why do you think we are still in the first generation of Search Engines? Haven’t we progressed enough to delve into the Second already? Well, any search engine still attributes its searches based on a generic approach — Significance and Influence. The spectrum of these two terms has seemed to broaden over the years but the fundamental principle stays constant. So, if we are still bound to the first generation, what does the second generation encompass?

  • IoT

You probably are familiar with the wondrous nature of the Internet of Things. It is a full-blown phenomenon of the network of physical things connected to the internet for seamless convenience. A home appliance connected via the internet would be the optimal example for IoT. IoT works by using the internet to store data, sensors and working with algorithms to provide a unified experience with regards to comfort and convenience. The second generation of Search Engines could leap into an area of allocated search features or something that could be used from device to device seamlessly.

  • Customization

If you’re an avid user of search engines, you probably have seen the elevation in the dependence and support for it with regards to personal data. A lot of results for the things you search are mapped out on the basis of your history and liking. We strongly feel that it may be a possibility to have customized results in the second generation of Search Engines.

  • Direct Answers

There is no beating around the bush with search engines now, 9 out of 10 times, your query is preceded with a pretty direct answer! If you type in “What colors complement blue from the color wheel?”, You will get a list of colors that complement the color blue without sifting through pages and putting in much effort. In this case, it is evident that search engines will just get better with time and in the future, we may not need to do any browsing!

  • Technological Advancements

Every day we are acquainted with new kinds of innovation and technology. The world is progressing exponentially and it is only fitting to assume that we will be taking a plunge on the technological aspect to elevate our experiences with regards to search engines. This will in turn have a trailblazing effect on how we perceive searching and may end up altering the way we use it.

Although we may be in the first generation as of now, there is always light at the end of the tunnel and we may break through and revolutionize to enter the second generation in a couple of years. Write to us at Marketing@Apric.in to let us know your thoughts on this. We would love to hear what you think!




Written by Apric

We're a global design agency that combines design expertise with data and technology to build memorable experiences

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