How IoT is Rewiring the Overall Global Scenario

3 min readOct 11, 2021


Image Copyright of Apric

“The Internet of Things has the potential to change the world, just as the Internet did. Maybe even more so.” — Kevin Ashton

Do you remember a time when humans predicted that we would have flying cars by 2030? I still remember watching The Abyss and being absolutely blown away by thinking that science has the potential to evolve beyond bounds. Well safe to say, we do not have flying cars yet but we do have a world deeply engulfed by technology for better or worse. You probably are familiar with the wondrous nature of the Internet of Things. It is a full-blown phenomenon of the network of physical things connected to the internet for seamless convenience. A home appliance connected via the internet would be the optimal example for IoT. IoT works by using the internet to store data, sensors and working with algorithms to provide a unified experience with regards to comfort and convenience. We live in such an expeditious world that the need of incorporating accessibility into gadgets is imperative. Let us glance over how IoT impacts our lives on a daily basis.

  1. INDUSTRY 4.0

The term “Industry 4.0” is used interchangeably with the fourth industrial revolution and represents a new stage in the organization and control of the industrial value chain. They use modern control systems, have embedded software systems, and an Internet address to connect and be tackled by IoT. In the manufacturing industries, IoT helps deduce simple and affordable production methods. Example: Affordable maintenance, decreased human interference, little room for error, etc.


There are many such gadgets in our home that allow us to connect them through the internet, like Amazon Echo, Activity Trackers, Smart Doorbell Cameras, etc. These devices when connected to the internet yield a powerful and efficient output hence simplifying our lives and giving us all the comfort and convenience. “Smart” technology can also help us save a lot of money, if you have a smart bulb, it will automatically turn off once it is not in use. Isn’t it an excellent innovation? We surely think it is!


What should we say about self-driving cars? Probably one of the smoothest inventions that blessed mankind. Brands like Tesla have truly caught on to the essence of IoT and made life simpler for a lot of folks. Autonomous car technology has been a popular topic of discussion and we sure agree that there’s a good reason for it. Driverless cars do eradicate a lot of issues like traffic delays or a possible chance of collision caused by the driver. It has truly revolutionized the tech game altogether.


IoT impacting the agriculture industry? Yes, you heard it right! IoT can help farmers predict the best time to irrigate the crops while checking factors associated with sowing like soil humidity and water levels. Human labor is also reduced through online gadgets aiding in farming. “Smart Farming” has truly changed the landscape for farmers by automating tasks and predicting patterns. IoT for farming is being adopted globally and has proven to be very efficient.


Devices integrated with IoT can prove to be a game-changer for the healthcare industry by providing better healthcare and documenting data. A lot of health applications or smart watches monitor heart rate, exercise, calories, blood pressure, etc. This in turn has saved a lot of lives!

IoT is definitely a boon to society! It is widening the realm of connected devices to elevate collaboration between human to machine and machine to human. This creates a lot of tangible and intangible benefits. Although there are some cons as well, which if you would like us to discuss in another blog, comment down below, We feel IoT has truly revolutionized the tech space!




Written by Apric

We're a global design agency that combines design expertise with data and technology to build memorable experiences

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