Hidden Meanings behind 6 Famous brand Logos!

4 min readDec 13, 2021


What makes a quintessential logo? When you’re on the cusp of launching your business, this is the question you ask yourself! You may find yourself in a situation wherein you spend days, if not months searching for an ideal logo that resonates with your brand personality and values. The importance of a powerful logo cannot be undermined, it brings an idea to life and communicates it in ways that words can’t. If you are launching phenomenal services/products and your logo does not impart your company values, you may not be able to leave as many impressions on your target audience. When we were designing our logo at Apric, we did a lot of research as to what our logo needs to convey and after a lot of trial and error, we finally made it! Our logo is an amalgamation of technology and mankind as we are a group of enthusiastic techies and designers with a desire to make a difference in the world! Our creativity is what sets us apart from our competitors and that is exactly what we wanted to impart in our logo.

Logo’s are the stepping stones to a company’s long term success. What if we tell you that the most renowned brands in the world have a secret message behind them? That’s correct. You may have seen their logos hundreds of times and yet would’ve been completely oblivious to the fact that they convey a lot more than what you see at a glance. To help you see the messages behind the logos, we have formulated a list that will surely surprise you:

  1. Beats by dr.

I have always been a fan of beats by dr. dre. I think they are superior and claim to do what they say they do. For the longest time, I thought the B in the logo represents the initials of the word “Beats” but I was certainly wrong. The red circle symbolizes a face and the “b” lettering showcases the headphones wrapped around the head of a person. In simple terms, it is a person wearing Beats headphones. Got to pat the designer on the back!

2. Gillette

It seems like a pretty basic logo, eh? Gillette followed the approach of keeping it simple and classy. The razor-sharp lettering is done to communicate the precise cut Gillette razors provide. It basically mimics a Gillette razor. I love how it is done in a minimalistic way yet conveys the brand message perfectly.

3. Toblerone

Toblerone was created in Bern, Switzerland which is also called the City of Bears. If you look closely into the mountain, you will notice a bear symbolizing Toblerone paying homage to the Capital of Switzerland. Toblerone BEARS a mark in all our hearts, you see what I did there?

4. Pinterest

Pinterest seems like an indispensable part of all our lives, right? Whenever we need any décor, fashion, inspiration we all tend to head straight to the app. However, what we don’t know is the fact that in the logo of Pinterest, the letter P doubles as a pin. It is a fun, quirky, simple design.

5. Toyota

I’m going, to be honest with you all, this was the most unexpected for me. You may ask why? Well, I have been driving a Toyota for 6 years now and I had no idea. A couple of months prior to my oblivion, my brother casually asked me if I knew what Toyota’s logo was and that is when I was enlightened. The logo encompasses the word “Toyota” spelled out. It’s truly genius!

6. Unilever

Unilever makes a plethora of products. I am pretty sure you can grab a product within a 6 ft distance around you which is curated by Unilever. To showcase that, their logo has a big “U” incorporating multiple icons and symbols for their core products. It’s a smart way of establishing the fact that they have lots of products.

We hope you found some unique and mind-boggling insights! Many other brands too have hidden messages in their logos, let us know if you would like us to do a part 2! Write to us at Marketing@Apric.in on which hidden message shocked you the most. :)




Written by Apric

We're a global design agency that combines design expertise with data and technology to build memorable experiences

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