When you hear the word “Infographics”, you probably associate it with the trends that have boomed in the past to place visual elements on a website. Well, infographics have been around since the start of the human race, cavemen would scribble on rocks and write on walls to communicate and pass on information. We still have evidence to this day in the form of ancient paintings, hieroglyphs, and tapestries.
Every day, we encounter what we could call an “overload” of information, something that was not prevalent back in the day. If you open a website, you will be exposed to so much information which you would have to process within a certain time frame. As our minds are now trained to engulf more information, incorporating infographics is imperative to clearly communicate a message, especially if you work for or own a business. Infographics usually differ in terms of the information they carry and their quality but the context usually stays consistent. Some echo trends of the past while some influence the world in ways we can’t imagine!
I remember having a heated discussion on infographics at lunch with a friend. His side of the discussion revolved around the fact that “Infographics are a thing of the past”. The thing people fail to understand is that Infographics are not dead, they just had a change of purpose. Let us explain this a little better — During 2010, infographics boomed which resulted in a huge chunk of the population using the internet to indulge in using them. Since we were not exposed to the kind of technology that we are now, they were often not so good in terms of quality. The “innovative idea” however did fizzle out and got saturated due to being overused. The reason behind the saturation was that they followed a format-first approach. They were being created without intent.
We firmly believe that when used in the correct manner, could be through a storytelling approach or to present data, infographics are a highly efficient tool for brands. For decades, Marketers have been aware of the fact that visually striking content tends to be more impacting than text-driven content for engagement. Infographics propose exclusivity for your brand to make it stand out from competitors. Are you aware that the human mind can process visuals 60,000 times faster than textual content? Well, infographics can help your brand achieve innumerable marketing objectives, be it increasing brand awareness or producing leads.
To sum it up, infographics provide a great way to convey information by increasing brand awareness and conveying the right messages to your audiences. They also have immense potential to go viral — prompting people to share your content further! Write to us at Marketing@Apric.in to let us know what you think of infographics, we would love to know your thoughts!